China’s Plan For Technology Dominance With Richard Turrin!!!

We have a brand-new Membership you can join on Patreon! It will give you a chance to go even deeper into the most pressing global topics. You’ll get information and a much deeper dive with bi-weekly live calls and Q&A with Dr. David Oualaalou PhD& Dr. Ross Stewart PhD, as well as a community to ask questions and have discussions with others who are interested in deeper information and knowledge as well. Since opening its economy, China has grown into a global economic powerhouse whose influence on global markets is widely acknowledged. Leading in many areas of technology, the West is in denial that China has the capacity to assume global technology leadership. In this interview, we answer the following: 1. Where is China headed technologically & what the West needs to know? 2. Will China’s recent technological strides have geopolitical ramifications? 3. What impact & application 6G technology may have on the AI sector? 4. What
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