#2023 #comedy #deepfake
On January 1st 2023 the 3 most powerful men on the planet, pay a visit to their secret Boss who gives them the general guidelines on how to operate in 2023.
*CC SUBTITLES AVAILABLE* : English -Espanol -русский - Italiano -日本 - Deutsch - Française - 한국인 - 中国人 - عربي - afrikaans - Hindi
We had a lot of fun putting together this short film! The Deepfake technology allowed us to create a story using real characters in a way that’s never been possible. Shot using 3 @reddigitalcinema Komodo 6k, sound with recorded using the Hollyland Lark 150!
A short film By AxiA , Joe Daru and Dr. Fakenstein
Created and Directed by AxiA & Joe Daru (@framed_by_axia ; @joedaru)
Deepfake by @DrFakenstein
Cinematography / Editing / Color : Alessandro “AxiA“ Serradimigni
Music / Sound Fx / Mix : Joe Hodgin
Written: Joe Daru
Steadi Cam : Dana Willax
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