THE WISDOM OF THE KNOWING ONES: Gnosticism, the Key to Esoteric Christianity. -- Manly P. Hall
THE WISDOM OF THE KNOWING ONES: Gnosticism, the Key to Esoteric Christianity.
- Manly P. Hall.
FULL Audiobook.
Until comparatively recently few people were familiar with the word, “Gnostic”; a rather larger number was acquainted with its antonym, “agnostic”. Both are derived from the Greek “Gnosis”, usually translated as “knowledge”. An agnostic is thus a non-knower, i.e. one who denies all knowledge of ultimate realities, while a Gnostic is one who professes knowledge of such things. One needs to keep in mind, however, that Gnosis is not primarily rational knowledge; it has little to do with philosophical reasoning and even less is it associated with such matters as our contemporary, computer-related obsession with access to data. Elaine Pagels, author of the splendid work, The Gnostic Gospels, translates the term Gnosis, as used by the Gnostics, as “insight”, a term denoting both psychological and metaphysical cognition arrived at intuitively.
Manly P Hall’s Wisdom of the Knowing Ones e