Key To Korea (1950)

Full title reads: “Key To Korea“. Korea. GV Aerial Pusan harbour. TV Elevated harbour and sea, and town. SV Aerial ships docked alongside jetty. SV Towards troopship pulling alongside. SV Pan marines lining deck of troopship. SV Marines lining ship’s rail. CU Brigadier Edward Craig (right) with officer, watching unloading. SV Bandsmen playing Marines march. Marines lining deck of ship in background. SV Front view three standard bearers carrying US, United Nations (UN) and Korean ensigns. SV Towards standard bearers followed by band marching along deck. LV Back view band marching along quayside. GV Aerial North Korean forces trying to cross river Naktong by boat. LV Camera gun material. Rockets and shells hitting boats on river. LV From aircraft rockets hitting vehicle on road. MV Rocket exploding on boat. LV Missiles exploding on vehicles. GV Rockets exploding by roadside. LV Rockets exploding on building. LV Rockets exploding by roadside. LV Gun being moved up towards front. Stationary jeeps i
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