When the Earth Suddenly Stopped Warming

PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to ↓ More info below ↓ For decades, scientists have been studying the cause of the Younger Dryas, and trying to figure out if something like it could happen again. And it turns out that what caused this event is the subject of a heated debate. Thanks to these wonderful paleoartists for their excellent illustrations! Jack Byrley: Fabrizio De Rossi: Julio Lacerda: Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: Super special thanks to the following Patreon patrons for helping make Eons possible: Simon read, Reco Lee, Sean C. Kennedy, Eric Roberto Rodriguez, Charles Copley, Hillary Ryde-Collins, Facts Dinosaurs, Frida, YaBoiSam36, Matthew Donnelly, Yu Mei, Colleen Troussel, Dan Ritter, faxo, Gary Walke
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