Top 5 Reasons Bravil is POOR - Elder Scrolls: Leftover Lore
Leftover Lore Ep.1 - Constellations:
Leftover Lore Ep.2 - Ocean Currents:
Leftover Lore Ep.3 - Argonian Boobs:
Bravil is a port city on the Niben River of Cyrodiil, and should be seeing plenty of ship traffic going from Leyawiin to the Imperial City. So why is it poor? Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Legends, and Online all have clues related to Unemployment, labor, Khajiit, Elsweyr, minorities, leadership, incarceration, skooma, drugs, corruption, war, independence, and trade. Welcome to Bravil Lore.
00:00 - Intro
01:17 - #5 Labor Participation
05:18 - #4 Leadership
07:40 - #3 Drugs
12:25 - #2 Wartorn
15:10 - #1 Location
Today, we’ll talk about a variety of topics related to Bravil’s squalid, slummy state. Here’s some of the OC made for this video, which are free to use:
-Bravil’s Workforce Chart:
-Dunmer/Khajiit on boats:
Bravil’s workforce chart was very int
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