Michael Jackson’s First Girlfriend Speaks Out! Stephanie Mills In Her Own Words | the detail.

In her own words, Stephanie Mills over the years has spilled everything there is to know concerning her intimate relationship with Michael Jackson. Here is a collection of television and radio interviews where Mills remembers her deep connection with the soon to be ’King of Pop’. Watch More On Michael Jackson’s Girlfriends: 🛒 SHOP | ​ ❤️ INSTAGRAM | 🎙️ PODCAST | #MichaelJackson #StephanieMills #InTheirOwnWords ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••­­­••••••••••• 🎬 We Create MJ Videos Every Week the detail. is a dedicated Michael Jackson channel. We go behind the headlines to understand the man, the music and the magic behind the ’King of Pop’ | SUBSCRIBE TODAY
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