Song of Stenka Razin. Russian folk song. Из-за острова на стрежень.

Краткая история о Стеньке Разине и персиянке здесь: The folk song of Stenka Razin is very popular in Russia. Boris Shtokolov performes it with great feeling & expressiveness. Folk songs incarnate the voice, history & soul of the people whove created them, glorifying human feelings & aspirations. Folk songs arising from the necessity of man to give vent to his intermost feelings pertine to the most lively, versafile & emotional form of popular art. Whose heart can remain cold to the sounds of a slow Russian song with its stern grandeur & broadness of melody? These characteristics are true of “Song of Stepan Razin“. In this video you can also see the pictures of Volga-river, which I’ve taken for this song in I-net & pieces from the film “Sadko“. Из-за острова на стрежень, На простор речной волны Выплывают расписные Стеньки Разина челны. На переднем Стенька Раз
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