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This extraordinary film “A University Goes to War” dates to WWII and was produced and distributed by the Extension Division of the University of California. The film depicts seven University of California campuses as centers of patriotism striving to educate and train the next generation of democracy defenders. California was a major contributor to the WWII effort. California’s long Pacific Ocean coastline provided the support needed for the Pacific War and the climate was ideal for growing food. The UC schools were major contributors to this by aiding in the research and development of new systems key to winning the war and training cadets through the ROTC curriculum.
Map of California, location of seven University of California campuses (0:20). UC Berkeley campus: Sather Tower (0:48). UCLA campus: Powell Library, Royce Hall (1:15). UC San Francisco (1:46). Students studying at campus library, close-up “The Stream of History” by Geoffrey Parsons (2:10). Students from sciences do practice labs, organize test tubes, swirl chemicals in beakers (2:33). Bugle calls sounds (3:21). Cadets march with rifles across campus, American flag waves (3:32). Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) recruitment office (4:02). Cadets do jumping jacks, other physical toughness training exercises: obstacle course, judo, boxing (4:33). ROTC officers march in formal uniform with rifles across UC Berkeley (5:34). ROTC curriculum: infantry training with bayonets, defensive warfare training - students set up fence along field, how to carry injured companion to safety, operate signal corps field gear (5:55). Crews learn to operate anti-aircraft gun (6:50). Army engineers put up emergency bridge in forest (6:59). Naval training: Naval cadets learn navigation on bridge of dummy ship, anatomy of submarine, strategy board (7:17). Cadets do survival swim exercises in pool, deploy rubber raft (7:51). Meteorologists track balloon using telescope (9:30). Engineering students study 3D architectural rendering, how to conceal buildings (9:53). Asian professor writes Chinese characters on blackboard, records audio material in media lab (10:15). Medical students study anatomy, work with patients at UCLA Medical Center (10:36). Army personnel learn intervention to prevent mosquito-borne illness (11:01). USAAF trainees enter pressure controlled chamber to simulate flight at high altitude as part of aviation medicine (11:16). UCLA School of Nursing: teacher demos bandage wrapping for young women, nurses sworn into armed forces (11:39). UC Davis campus (12:14). Western Signal Corps School for radio and radar technicians for the Pacific Theater; cadets march across campus to Hart Hall (12:39). Scientists at UC Davis Dept. of Animal Sciences carry out experiments to improve seed germination, invent vaccines, understand tropical disease (13:28). Students in wheat field, inspecting fresh fruit produce to improve, augment agricultural output (14:36). Scientist in lab tests vials of fresh dairy milk, cows and pigs roam farm, local farmers sit for lecture from military scientists (15:30). Work of agricultural engineering department: early model bale loader truck, sugar beet harvester, tree shaker (16:13). Chart depicting seasonal labor needs for crop cultivation, UC Cooperative Extension (CE) recruitment posters for seasonal laborers (16:47). Woman places sliced carrots in food dehydration device (17:31). Crowd gathers around gardening demonstration, campaign to promote victory gardens, collect eggs from chicken coops (17:50). Housewives sit for demonstration from nutritionist on food preservation methods, canning using pressure cooker, dehydrator 18:31). Accreditation overseas through U.S. Armed Forces Institute, young women send correspondence courses to American soldiers all over the world (19:32). Engineering, Science, and Management War Training courses: young men, women trained in technical specialities, learn how to fix engines, build airplanes (20:10). Librarians sift through pamphlets on all things related to the war, organize and archive (21:44). Student’s War Board: outdoor booth for War Bonds campaign; students donate blood at infirmary, young women make bandages (22:14). Experimentation in different labs for industrial materials: concrete, steel, ship fouling, swabbing marine growth, testing agar from coast of Japan (22:54). Cadet graduation ceremony (24:00).
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit