scorpy draws the cool s for 11 minutes

he’ll figure it out some day clip sources: 3/27/21: 6/5/21: 10/9/21: 12/16/21: scorpy streamed eyetoy games, including a game called eyepet. in this stream he drew a cool S but i didnt clip it and the vod is nowhere to be found so just.. pretend its in this vid okay? if it ever resurfaces ill gladly edit it in but until then. iunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1/24/22: 2/11/22: half life: alyx stream, if theres a vod i cant find it 2/16/22: frog fractions stream, if theres a vod i cant find it 3/16/22: some time before 5/5/22: 3/5/23:
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