iOS 15 Beta 2 : Speed / Performance Test.

Speed Test : iOS 15 Beta 2 vs iOS 14.6 Apple held all of us in suspense for 17 days before releasing iOS 15 Beta 2. It was expected as Apple, especially for a new release, waits around 14 days to release Beta 2. It was quite a big update depending on your device, so you would think there is much new stuff. Most changes are behind the scene stuff, but there is a new beautiful icon for the Maps app, and other bits and bobs have changed position, shape or form. But nothing huge. But let’s test if all the behind the scenes stuff has done something for the user experience. Time to test. iPhone SE 00:00 iPhone 6S 07:11 iPhone 7 13:50 iPhone 8 19:41 iPhone XR 25:31 iPhone 11 31:18 Music by Niwel (see credits below) Track 01 : Broken Love Music by Niwel a french music producer. YOUTUBE: Apple Music : Spotify :
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