
This video introduces the process of making a cloisonné bowl by using silver wires. Product in Video: ※Free international shipping on ALL COUNTRIES orders over $150🌸 ▶Craftsman Profile Hiromi Art Since its establishment in Kyoto in 1970, Hiromi Art has been producing Kyoto cloisonne enamel ware for over 50 years. We are particular about the beauty of color. Each color is carefully layered with the color of the glaze, and is the result of many years of accumulated techniques. We believe that “old and new“ is the traditional Japanese craft of today, and we are creating new cloisonne enamel ware every day, while keeping in mind the old traditions. ▶Craftsman Passion I want to flourish the streets of Kyoto with cloisonne once again. Old cloisonne enamel ware is still used in temples. In the Edo period, they were used for sliding door pulls of houses, cigarette packets and cases, a
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