Parts of the house – Basic English Vocabulary Lesson - Rooms of a house

In this English lesson we look at parts of the house including the names of different rooms. The ESL vocabulary that is included in this lesson include: PARTS OF A HOUSE: house, roof, chimney, window, door, balcony, garage, driveway, yard, letterbox, path. ROOMS OF A HOUSE: attic, bedroom, bathroom, nursery (room), home office, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry (room), basement, garage. With the rooms of the house, we have a large house with 11 different rooms or spaces. We zoom in and out of the house to focus on a room. The name of that room appears on the screen and you will hear the pronunciation of the name of that room twice. There is a brief moment as we zoom into the room where the viewer can try to think of its name before the word appears. See our complete lesson about Parts of the house in English here: #PartsOfTheHouse #RoomsOfAHouse #BasicEnglishVocabulary 💚💚💚 How to support WOODWARD ENGLISH 💚💚💚 📗 ENGLISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES
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