[Achieving a goal without drawing a sword is the true victory- Katori Shintoryu], Samurai, Ep.3
2003 Documentary, Martial Arts in Life
Japanese warrior: Samurai, Episode 3
[Achieving a goal without drawing a sword is the true victory - Katori Shintoryu]
00:00:02 - Chiba Prefecture Intangible Cultural Property, Katori Shintoryu
00:00:07 It was not until the Katori Shinto-ryu in the 15th century that Japanese martial arts were systematized in earnest.
00:00:14 Chiba Prefecture’s 300-year-old head family tells the story of the Katori Shinto-ryu.
00:00:21 - Ienao Iisasa Choisai Ienao
00:00:25 the creator of the picture Katori Shintoryu. Born as the son of a warrior, he was good at swordsmanship and spears from an early age.
00:00:35 When he was a young man, he left many achievements on the battlefield, and his spearmanship reached the level of a miracle.
00:00:43 - Katori Jingu
00:00:47 But he suddenly leaves the world and enters Katori Jingu
00:00:58 Katori Jingu Shrine is dedicated to the ancient Japanese god of war, Futsunushi no Mikoto.
00:01:08 It is said that warriors came here to pray for good luck before going to war.
00:01:13 - Katori Jingu Shrine, bowing
00:01:22 - Interview with Keirisuke Oda, Master Shintoryu Katori
00:01:23 (A man named Ienao worked for the Chiba clan, but when the Chiba clan collapsed,
00:01:32 he turned his back on the world at the age of 60 and chose his own path of training at Katori Jingu Shrine.
00:01:36 It was devised after resuming the bath while praying a thousand days of prayer.)
00:01:45 - Katori Shintoryu Dojo
00:01:48 Ienao trained many students until his death.
00:01:53 Famous schools such as Kashima Shinryu, Kashima Shinto-ryu, and Shinga-ryu came out of his school.
00:02:01 This is why Katori Shintoryu is called the father of Japanese swordsmanship.
00:02:11 In other schools and modern kendo, two or three movements are used to subdue the opponent,
00:02:15 but in Shinto-ryu, 15 to 20 movements are used.
00:02:20 -Katori Shintoryu demonstration
00:02:28 And in the end, be sure to cut the opponent down completely from the shoulder to the waist with a kesagiri.
00:02:36 This is because, even at that time, swordsmanship was performed while wearing heavy armor on the battlefield.
00:02:43 However, he did not use the swordsmanship that usually comes out of Ie.
00:02:55 - Interview with Keirisuke Oda and Master Shintoryu Katori
00:02:55 (He smiled and said,
00:02:57 “If you can climb on this stilt pole with that kind of meekness,
00:03:01 I will participate in the match“ and “Come on up once more“.
00:03:10 Then the martial artist will not be able to climb on the stained slate.
00:03:15 If you climb on it, it will bend.
00:03:18 So he said, “I’m sorry, I can’t compete with someone like this.
00:03:22 I lost,” he said and withdrew.)
00:03:31 ‘Winning a fight is not a real victory.
00:03:34 Achieving a goal without drawing a sword is the true victory.” Ienao taught.
00:03:44 Similar stories are often told by famous Japanese swordsmen.
00:03:50 And here lies the background of the times when samurai were fundamentally away from war.
00:00:00 2003년 다큐멘터리
생활 속의 무술
무사(武士) 3화 [일본 무술의 원류를 찾아서2 - 가토리 신토류]
00:00:02 - 치바현 무형문화재, 가토리 신토류
00:00:07 일본무술이 본격적으로 체계화 된 것은 15세기 가토리 신토류에 이르러서였다.
00:00:14 치바현의 3백년된 종가는 가토리 신토류의 역사를 전하고 있다.
00:00:21 - 이이자사 쵸이사이 이에나오 그림
00:00:25 가토리 신토류의 창시자 이에나오. 무사(武士)의 아들로 태어난 그는 어릴때부터 검술과 창술에 능했다.
00:00:35 청장년 시절엔 전장에서 수많은 공적을 남겼고, 창술은 신기의 경지에 이르렀다.
00:00:43 - 가토리 신궁(香取神宮)
00:00:47 그런데 그는 갑자기 속세를 떠나 가토리 신궁(香取神宮) 으로 들어간다.
00:00:58 가토리 신궁은 일본의 고대 전쟁신, 후쓰누시노 미코토를 모시는 곳이다.
00:01:08 무사(武士)들은 전쟁에 나가기 전 이곳에 와서 무운을 빌고 길을 떠났다고 한다.
00:01:13 - 가토리 신궁(香取神宮), 절하는 모습
00:01:22 - 오오다 케리스케, 가토리 신토류 사범 인터뷰
00:01:23 (이에나오라는 분이 치바 가문에서 일했는데 치바 가문이 멸망하자 60세에 이르러
00:01:32 세상을 등지고 가토리 신궁에서 자신만의 수행의 길을 택했습니다.
00:01:36 천일기도를 드리면서 목욕재개하고 분골수행 끝에 고안해냈습니다.)
00:01:45 - 가토리 신토류 도장
00:01:48 이에나오는 죽기전까지 많은 제자를 양성했다.
00:01:53 가시마 신류, 가시마 신토류, 신가게류 등 유명한 유파가 그의 문하에서 나왔다.
00:02:01 가토리 신토류가 일본 검술의 아버지로 불리는 이유는 이 때문이다.
00:02:11 다른 유파나 현대검도에서는 두세 동작으로 상대를 제압하지만,
00:02:15 신
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