COMMON SWIFT - In flight grooming - FIGURE 37 : Behavioural dataset

French version : This video is part of a 24 video series illustrating the figures in the paper: “Contribution of slow motion video for in flight behavioural study in the Common Swift (Apus apus) during the breeding period - Part 1: Grooming” The pdf paper is available for consultation and download at the following address: By using the Panasonic GH5 APN’s 180 fps slow motion, it becomes possible to describe and analyze very fast flight behaviours of a time duration equal to or less than one second. Keywords : Common Swift, Apus apus, Alpine Swift, Tachymarptis melba in flight grooming, back preening, chest and belly preening, tail feathers’s preening, head-scratching, grooming by contorting and rubbing, grooming by wings fluttering, grooming by rolls, head rotation with closed or open beak, capture and prompt release of a prey, behavioural dataset
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