Origami Christmas Tree Tutorial - DIY - Paper Kawaii
Learn how to make an origami Christmas tree using 1 sheet of paper. This little paper tree can sit in a pot, decorate with a star on top or other kinds of Xmas decorations.
Origami Lucky Star Tutorial: ( ish)
Origami Round Pot Tutorial: (10x10cm ish)
Crease pattern:
This origami tree uses the accordion folding technique. It’s a bit fiddly but hopefully it’s worth the challenge. I recommend using the thinnest, but strongest paper you can find. Normal origami paper will work fine, but I wouldn’t recommend using paper any smaller than A4 or US letter paper.
I haven’t tried to use US Letter paper but I’m sure it would be fine, you just might end up with a longer “trunk“. Yes you can use glue to make things easier at the end, no one will ever know!
It’s rated 4 stars, so that means it’s a bit harder than my regular tutorials, but you could al
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4 months ago 00:17:48 1
So cute! Christmas angel making with tissue paper rolls - recycling ideas