Д.Медведев.Церемония вручения грамот. 2

Speech at Ceremony Conferring the Titles of City of Military Glory on Arkhangelsk, Kozelsk, and Pskov. January 12, 2 The Kremlin, Moscow Церемония вручения грамот о присвоении почётного звания «Город воинской славы» Архангельску, Козельску и Пскову. 12 января 2010 года Москва, Кремль PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Friends, The history of Russia the history of a large and very complicated state has never been straight or simple, nor will it ever be. Naturally, our goal is to ensure that our nation develops along a set scenario, to provide normal living conditions for all our citizens, and to make life in our country comfortable and decent. At the same time, we understand that protecting and defending a nation like the Russian Federation is a very difficult task: we have the longest-spanning border, the largest territory in the world, a truly great supply of natural resources, and most importantly, a rich diversity of people. Thus, the history o
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