Forgotten Nocturnes of the Nineteenth Century

This recital is part of my doctoral dissertation which examines nocturnes by five women composer-pianists from the 19th century: Maria Szymanowska, Leopoldine Blahetka, Louise Farrenc, Clara Wieck and Fanny Hensel. 00:00:11 - [Introduction] 00:06:22 - [John Field, Nocturne No. 5 in B flat Major] 00:09:07 - [Maria Szymanowska, Nocturne in B flat Major] 00:12:42 - [Frederic Chopin, Nocturne Op. 32 No. 2] 00:17:48 - [Clara Wieck, Notturno Op. 6] 00:22:17 - [Fanny Hensel, Notturno in G Minor] 00:27:01 - [Frederic Chopin, Polonaise Op. 26 No. 1] 00:35:02 - [Leopoldine Blahetka, Two Nocturnes Op. 46] 00:44:25 - [Frederic Chopin, Nocturne Op. 9 No 2] 00:48:15 - [Leopoldine Blahetka, Nocturne Op. 62 No. 4] 00:51:23 - [Frederic Chopin, Nocturne Op. 27 No. 2] 00:57:29 - [Louise Farrenc, Nocturne Op. 49 in E Flat Major]
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