J. B. de Boismortier: sonata in e minor

Joseph Bodin de Boismortier Sonata n.2 in e minor for tenor recorder & baroque oboe Giuseppe NALIN: oboe Giuseppe SPORTARO: tenor recorder. The resonance of the natural theater formed by pines and beech trees of the Cansiglio mountains at about a thousand meters high, once again collects our baroque performance thanks to a beautiful sonata a due by the French composer Joseph BODIN de BOISMORTIER (1689 - 1755). The delightful dialogue between the tenor flute and the baroque oboe undoubtedly recreates a particular atmosphere among these sensational valleys. A little more than six minutes in which the imagination is free. Nothing is simple but when applied professionally, it becomes pure magic. Seeing is believing! La risonanza del teatro naturale formato dai pini e i faggi delle montagne del Cansiglio a circa mille metri di altezza, raccoglie ancora una volta la nostra performance barocca grazie ad una bellissima sonata a due del compositore francese Joseph BODIN de BOISMORT
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