DIY Mini Backpack From Scratch! (Fjällräven Kånken style) | WITHWENDY

This is a DIY mini backpack, in the popular Fjällräven Kånken style! In this tutorial I’ll show you how to make this backpack from scratch and I’ll stuff it with school supplies for you in the end! CLICK TO NEVER MISS AN UPLOAD: SEE MORE ON THE BLOG WATCH ANOTHER MINI BACKPACK DIY The videos I mentioned were... DIY PENCIL CASE | DIY CORD ORGANIZER | DORM DECOR HACKS | BACK TO SCHOOL OUTFITS | ✰ shop my supplies - ✰ shop my shoot gear - ✰ join my mailing list - ✰ support my channel - add me: @withwendy MUSIC Electric Mantis - Daybreak [Majestic Color] | craves - By My Side [Majestic Color] | Stupead - Let Me Know [Majestic Color] | https://you
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