A-Razumovsky - The Faded Photo

Автор текста песни “The Faded Photo“ Анна Разумовская (A-Razumovsky) [Verse 1] The mantel holds a picture Edges worn by time A memory cast in leather Age has dulled its shine Faces smile in sepia Whispers lost in space A love once bold and vivid Now a fragile trace [Verse 2] Dust collects like echoes On the wooden frame Lovers frozen in a moment Untouched by years and names Your laugh Your eyes Your touch They linger in my dreams The faded photo speaks to me Of old and ghostly beams [Chorus] Oh The faded photo Of days we used to know Through the haze of years gone by The love still seems to grow Oh The faded photo A relic of the past In its gentle gaze Our memories forever last [Verse 3] The winters turned to summers And still that picture stays A testament of something that time cannot erase Though life’s moved on without you And paths have gone astray The faded photo captures what words could never say [Verse 4] The fire softly flickers Casting shadows on the floor I see two ghosts of lovers Who are dancing there once more Your hand entwined with mine In the glow of twilight’s gleam The faded photo holds us In a never-ending dream [Chorus] Oh The faded photo Of days we used to know Through the haze of years gone by The love still seems to grow Oh The faded photo A relic of the past In its gentle gaze Our memories forever last Поэт-песенник, автор текстов песен, песня под заказ, песня под ключ, песня на заказ, напишу песню, сонграйтер, songwriter. #A_Razumovsky #songwriter #поэтпесенник #напишупесню #песняподключ #сонграйтер #музыка #рок #песняназаказ
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