Yuri Bashmet - Bach, Hindemith, Shostakovich - video 1987
Yuri Bashmet playing with and conducting an ensemble of Moscow soloists, live in 1987 at the House of the Unions, Moscow. Timing below:
00:00 - Bach Concerto for Two Violins, BWV 1043, with Leonid Sorokov
21:20 - Paul Hindemith - Trauermusik for Viola and String Orchestra
32:09 - Shostakovich Two Pieces for String Octet, op. 11
44:30 - Bach - Air from Orchestral Suite no. 3 in D, BWV 1068
Юрий Башмет - Леонид Сороков - Бах - Хиндемит - Шостакович
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