In this tutorial we’re going to make some awesome LED tube lights. You’ve probably seen these around - Quasar Science, CAME-TV, and many other brands make a variety of them - from several inches to 4’. They’re cool, versatile, and can go into lots of tight spaces that a traditional film or video light wouldn’t be able to. I built 4x 18“ lights but you could make any length you want, and you could swap out the daylight LEDs I used for RGB ones or whatever light color / temp you need for your project. The way I built them these come out to under $25/ foot of finished light. Because these are enc...losed they will get slightly warm to the touch, but by attaching our wire to both ends it should cut down on the heat significantly (my first batch was only wired at one end and they got HOT), but like with all lights just be careful! MATERIALS: Frosted acrylic tubing: End caps: *** LED light strips: 12V adapter: Ext
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