Shri Mataji
Voice: Anjali Kadri
A brief description of the Prayers in Shiva Kavacham
I meditate on the great Lord, who is complete eternal joy, who lives in the lotus of one’s heart, whose innate luster spreads all over the sky, and who is beyond the senses and is micro and macro and also the beginning and the end.
May Lord Shiva shield me with his armour.
May I be saved by the God of all devas, from this domestic life,
and may His sacred divine names, which are the basis of all great mantras, destroy all the sins in my heart.
Let me always be protected from all sorts of fears by the Lord of the universe, who is full of the light of happiness, who is the divine soul,
who is micro among micros, who is all powerful.
He is the one who gives life to all beings in the form of water. May I be protected from everything that is related to water.
He shines like gold and lightning. He who is knowledge, who gives boons and protection and holds a sword in His hand, and has four faces and three eyes - may He protect me from the east.
He who holds a sword, the vedas, a goad, a rope, a trident, a skull, a drum and rudraksha in his eight hands, and who is blue in colour and has four faces, and who is called Aghora- may He protect me from the south.
He who shines white like jasmine, moon, conch and crystal, who holds the Vedas, a chain of beads in His hands, gives protection and boons and who shines with three eyes and four necks, and who is called ’the beginning’ - may He protect me from the west.
He who holds a chain of beads and an axe in His hand, and blesses us with boons and protection who is of the colour of the tendrils of lotus flower, and who has three eyes and four heads,
and is called Vamadeva - may He protect me from the north.
He who holds the Vedas, a goad, a rope, axe, skull, rudraksha
and hatchet in His hands, who is shining like the ultimate light with five faces, and is called Ishana murti - may He protect me from above.
He who has the moon on His head, may He protect my head, who has an eye on his forehead, may He protect my forehead, let the destroyer with Sun as eyes protect my eyes, and let the Lord of the universe protect my nose.
Let the great God protect my ears, cheeks, neck, tongue.
Let the great God protect my belly, navel and hips.
May the Lord protect both my thighs, knees, calves, feet.
May the great God protect me during every quarter of the day and night.
Let me be protected when I am inside the house, outside and in between at all times.
Let the Lord of all the worlds protect me when I am standing, walking, sitting, and lying down.
Let the blue necked one protect me when I am on my way,
let the destroyer of three towns protect me whether I am in a mountain or in a fort, or while travelling.
Let the hunter of deers protect my strength of digestion.
Let me be protected from great fears by Veerabhadra who burns, like the fire of deluge and who with anger turns the universe up and down.
Let the great God destroy infinite armies of my enemies,
which consists of several formations of soldiers and horses, elephant and chariot borne troops.
Let the trident of the God who destroyed the three cities, destroy my enemies.
Let the Pinaka-the bow of Lord Shiva drive away tigers, lions, bears, wolves and other wild animals.
Let the Lord of different worlds protect me from bad dreams, bad omens, bad fate, bad conduct, famines, bad grief, unbearable bad fame, and fear of comets, poison, effects of planets and diseases.
Please save me,
destroy the great fear of death,
remove the fear of theft and robbery,
put out the fear of venomous snakes,
kill thieves,
drive away my enemies,
Cut them with the trident,
kill with the white axe,
cut with the sword,
hit with the skull stick,
disintegrate with the steel pestle,
strike with arrows,
scare rakshasas,
drive away devils,
scare away Kushmanda, Vetalas Mareechas and BrahmaRakshasas (evil spirits)
give me protection,
Console me when I am afraid,
uplift me from the fear of hell, Keep me alive, keep me alive,
save me from effects of hunger and thirst,
make me happy when I am sad,
defend and protect me with Your armour,
O the Victor over death, Three eyed one, ever peaceful one, my earnest salutations to you.
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