Her Absence Fill the World - neon Arabesque (Official Video)

The duo “Her Absence Fill the World” makes music which sounds lost and chased at the same time. Inspired and driven by their different individual backgrounds from Ankara to Berlin, their style conglomerates in a dark and melodic sound, defined by a strongly reduced harmonic structure, an hovering instrument-like voice and DIY guitar sound and synth leads. Their influences and roots melt together as the multiple transnational facettes do in their currently chosen home Berlin. While following the path of psychedelic post-punk to dark-wave, their sound is a melting pot of the different sonic practices and historicities inspired by artists like Depeche Mode, She Past Away, Molchat Doma, Lebanon Hanover, Jakuzi, The Soft Moon and more. After their first EP „Part-Time Punk“ from 2021, they released their new song and title track of the upcoming EP „Neon Arabesque“. It is part of a trilogy that challenges the set borders of time, space, and musical genres, melting sadness, euphor
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