Степан Фёдорович Колесников (1879-55)

Stepan Kolesnikov: A collection of 71 paintings (HD) Description: “Stepan Kolesnikov was born into a peasant family in the village of Adrianople of the Yekaterinoslav Province of the Slavyanoserbsk District on July 11, 1879. The boy showed his art gifts early in childhood. He took first painting classes from visiting isographs. As early as 1896 his drawings were selected to the All-Russian exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod and won the municipal council’s award as a grant for receiving the appropriate education. In 1897 Stepan Kolesnikov entered the Odessa Art School, one of the best art educational institutions of Russia of that time. At school he soon got friendly with future classics of Soviet painting, such as Isaac Brodsky, Mitrofan Martyshchenko (Grekov), and the future classic of Russian avant-garde David Burliuk. Later he studied at the Academy of Arts and graduated it with the artist title and the right for oversea creative trip. His graduation work The Spring pooled the results of hi
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