【Double Hard】 Trailer

Adapted from the classic fighting manga “Double Hard”, by Konno Naoki, the story follows underground fighter Hayami Daiki. Hayami, known as the “Invincible Boxer” is half of the legendary tag-team “Two Man Army”. His partner, Takayama Jin, is a pro fighter who always comes out on top, even when his opponents bend the rules. Any thug who crosses them will get a fast and violent lesson in the art of fighting! 由今野直樹所畫的30集街頭肉搏實戰漫畫,於1993﹣2003年於『月刊少年JUM­P』連載,人氣超高。主角地下格鬥高手,人稱不敗拳王的速水大貴從洛杉磯回來,打遍天下無敵手。他和身為職業打手的搭擋鷹山
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