A Queen Of The Night Aria by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dedicated channels and MIDI, MP3, and website link below. Alternate name is Tremble not, my dear son.
The Sopranos range reaches from D4 to F6. The queen’s coloratura or shall i say, the best part of the song, starts at 3:51 . The time signature is 4/4 and is in B-flat/Major. The difficulty for a coloratura soprano is intermediate to moderately advanced.
Dedicated Channels:
7 months ago 00:44:44 1
Ingeborg Hallstein - Ein Sängerportrait
7 months ago 00:05:12 1
Ingeborg Hallstein - Queen of the Night “O zittre nicht“
7 months ago 00:18:42 1
Mozart - Die Zauberflöte, K. 620, Overture, Queen of the Night Aria (reference recording: Karl Böhm)