How to Correct a Scoliosis With Exercise and Stretching | Edward Paget

Next online course starts October 2023. Register here to get my 6 part video series on scoliosis and be the early bird list. Get my direct help, send me a DM on Instagram or join my FB group: Instagram: Facebook group support: Are you wondering how an exercises approach can help your scoliosis? Find out how by booking a free call here: In this Video Ed Paget presents an effective way to help straighten an idiopathic scoliosis (thoracic dextroscoliosis). Many thanks to physical therapists Gary Gray and Dr Dave Tiberio () providing the understanding to make this video possible. For a link to the same technique but with opposite curves look here Warning: Following his video for your scoliosis might not help you! You have to consider many factors before trying to correct a scoliosis. For example, how old are you, what degrees do you have (this method works best under 40 degrees), what is happening in the rest of your body that could be making your scoliosis worse? For more information on why to stepping forward with the right foot will correct lumbar left rotation you can watch this video: Lumbar spine movement from the top down and bottom-up Part 1 If you want to watch another way of explaining it look here: Lumbar spine movement from the top down and bottom-up Part 2 Subscribe to the channel here: Follow on Instagram:
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