Формула любви (Formula of Love)

Formula of Love Hi there, It’s another beautiful day to learn Russian. Please enjoy watching a scene from one of my favourite movies ‘Formula of Love’ (‘Формула любви’) made in 1984. This movie is based on the story by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy about Count Cagliostro bringing to life a long dead Russian Lady for the sake of love. The famous Russian actor Leonid Bronevoj (Леонид Броневой) plays a doctor in this movie. Russian transcript for the scene: - Язык. Язык. Закройте. Откройте. Закройте. Откройте. На что жалуемся? - На голову жалуется. - Это хорошо. Лёгкие дышат, сердце стучит. - А голова? - А голова — предмет тёмный и исследованию не подлежит. - Мудро! Откушать просим, доктор, чем Бог послал. - Откушать можно. Коли доктор сыт, так и больному легче. English translation: - Tongue. Tongue. Close. Open. Close. Open. What are we complaining about? - He is complaining about his head. - That’s good. Lungs are breathing, heart is beating. - How about the head? - The head is a dark subject and cannot be investigated. - That is wise. Would you like to eat something? - Sure. If the doctor is not hungry, the patient feels better. Enjoy watching this scene and learning Russian! For more FREE educational material go to Sign in for our FREE Russian Language course here:
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