Ennio Morricone ● Film Music Collection Volume 3 - The Greatest Composer of all Time - HD
“In loving memory“. Cinema Hotel Studios pays tribute to the one and only Maestro Ennio Morricone, with a special playlist to commemorate his farewell, who left us on this day, one year ago. His powerful, emotional and elegant melodies, that labelled him as one of the greatest composers of all time, were able to revolutionised Cinema and TV screens experience.
Thank you Maestro, your art still live with us, and always will.
“Cosa senti nei confronti del tuo pubblico?”
“C’è qualcosa che vorresti dire alle persone che assistono ai tuoi concerti?”
“Voglio loro bene e sento molta riconoscenza per l’apprezzamento che manifestano per me. Forse vorrei suggerire alle persone di chiudere gli occhi, […] poiché guardare credo serva a poco e fa perdere concentrazione nell’ascolto della musica.” (From ’Ennio Morricone. Inseguendo quel suono. La mia musica, la mia vita.’)
Ennio Morricone Film Music Collection on:
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BEST OF ENNIO MORRICONE - The Maestro & The European Pop Orchestra
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Il Volo - Your love - Once upon a time in the west (C’era una volta il west)
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Ennio Morricone - Peaceful Music in Movies (High Quality Audio)