Hedgehog’s Glow Up - Jungle Beat: Munki and Trunk | Kids Animation 2021

How it started vs how it’s going? Humph might always seem grumpy, but he has always had an amazing heart deep down! ☆ Subscribe for more videos: Welcome to the Official Jungle Beat Channel, the home of all things Jungle Beat on YouTube! Enjoy! Don’t forget to subscribe and turn on that notification bell! #junglebeat #munkiandtrunk #junglebeatthemovie #elephant #monkey #animals #JungelensPuls #Viidakkojytä #DschungelBeat #jungleritme #ジャングル・ビート #DJungelpuls #Lerythmedelajungle #ElRitmoDeLaSelva #ritmodellagiungla #정글비트 ☆ Instagram: ☆ Facebook: ☆ Twitter: ☆ Website:
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