Дуровъ, верни стену! Крепостную / Durov, get back the wall! The fortress wall.

Дуровъ, верни стену! Крепостную. ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Durov, get back the wall! The fortress wall. Translation 👇🏻 Kirill: There’s a saying: Good Jack makes a good Jill. There’s no so bad a Jill, but there’s as bad a Jack. A wild goose never laid a tame egg, remember this once and for all! Now, I also wanted to say: mother-in-law has velvet paws that hide sharp claws. Pavel Durov, the co-founder of Vkontakte, one of the most popular social nets here in the country, at an early stage modified an instrument called ‘the wall’ where people could leave each other messages and ‘graffiti’ pictures turning it into a microblog. The users’ protest against the changes lead to making a new meme, ‘Durov, get back the wall’ which is still viral years later although the changes never got rolled back. Нашъ Бусти / Our Boosty: Нашъ Патреонъ / Our Patreon:
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