English teacher Tatiana Taturevich introduction video

Hello! Hey! Let me introduce myself. My name is Tatiana Taturevich. I’m an online English tutor and trainer as well. I’ve been teaching English about more than 12 years. Each year my students pass exams, such as RNE (ЕГЭ), IELTS, PET, FCE, CAE, TOEFL etc. We work hard as a team to fulfil their dreams and ambitions. My specialty is language coaching as I’ve got not only linguistic degree, TESOL and TKT certificates, but also Psychological degree and previous professional background as a business trainer in numerous companies. So… I teach Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, Spelling, Written and Spoken English, General and Business English, English for academic purposes. I also give strategies how to increase your marks and grades as much as I can. As a teacher - trainer I am passionate about English language, always try to develop and improve my students’ skills and support them in various ways, keep them interested, give them external motivation to achieve their goals. During my lessons we solve different tough and tricky quizzes, read academic and general articles, discuss controversial subjects. I’ve been taught as a teacher in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and London, and still believe that teaching culturally is significantly important, especially for kids and teens. Interestingly enough that among my students are kids from 4 years old and adults to 70 years old approximately. Each age has some differences in studying and motivation, so I always analyze the priorities, strengths and weaknesses of language acquisition each particular student, but the similarity is huge – we all have our general intention to study with enjoyment and pleasure, spend our quality time wisely. Additionally we have speaking clubs for all ages - for kids, teenagers and adults with native speakers of English (our tutors are from England, The USA, Canada, Australia etc) where we discuss variety of topics and prepare for more spontaneous and natural talk. Welcome to our edutainment – the environment, which can and will teach.
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