Avery F. Gordon “Haunted Futures: the Utopian Margins“

/LV and RU below/ 15th talk from RIBOCA2 online series of talks and conversations, dedicated to the glossary word GHOSTS. More about RIBOCA2 Public programmes here: Introduction and Questions by Sofia Lemos, Associate Curator of RIBOCA2 Public Programmes. Subtitles available in English, Latvian and Russian. GHOSTS — Constructing ourselves as part of a layered testimony, where history commingles with the present. Learning through forms of dispossession and the lingering social narratives they hide. HAUNTED FUTURES: THE UTOPIAN MARGINS For Avery F. Gordon, haunting registers the harm or loss sustained by a social violence done in the past or being done in the present. Unlike trauma, this living meeting opens up possibilities rather than fatalistic views of the future. In her writings, Gordon is interested in how haunting can be cultivated towards more just and peaceful ends and how to eliminate the structural conditions that produce gho
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