SSD Overclocking 😱 ! (EN-US) Not Only possible, but doable at Home! (DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME THOUGH)

👉 SSDs To buy list Spreadsheets: 👉 Playlist SSD’s Testing : 👉 Techpowerup SSD Database: 👉 In case anyone wants to help me in future projects my paypal is this: Paypal: gabrielcariocapfz@ Follow me on my other social networks: Instagram: Twitter: • Software Used: IOmeter PCMark 3DMark CrystalDiskMark ATTO Disk Benchmark Quarch Power Studio Final Fantasy XIV Adobe Premiere BootRacer Diskbench TEST BENCH – OS: Windows 11 Pro 64-bit (Build: 23H2) – CPU: Intel Core i7 13700K ( all core) (E-cores e Hyper-threading desabled) – RAM: 2 × 16 GB DDR4-3200MHz CL-16 Netac (c/ XMP) – M...otherboard: MSI Z790-P PRO WIFI D4 (Bios Ver.: 7E06v18) – GPU: RTX 4060 Galax 1-Click OC (Drivers: ) – (OS Drive): SSD Solidigm P44 Pro 2TB (Firmware: 001C) – DUT SSD: SSD RZX Pro 240GB (Firmware: My custom Firmware) – Chipset Driver Intel Z790: . – Windows: Indexing disabled to avoid affecting test results. – Windows: Windows updates disabled to avoid affecting test results – Windows: Most Windows applications disabled from running in the background. – Boot Windows: Clean Image with only Drivers – Test pSLC Cache: The SSD is cooled by fans to prevent thermal throttling, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with the test results. – Windows: Antivirus disabled to minimize variation in each round. – DUT SSDs: Used as a secondary drive, with 0% of space being utilized, and other tests conducted with 50% of space utilized to represent a realistic scenario. – Quarch PPM QTL1999 – Power consumption test: conducted with three parameters—idle, where the drive is left as a secondary, and after a period of idle, a one-hour write test is performed, and the average power consumption is recorded 0:00 - Start 0:08 - Introduction 0:14 - Technical Specifications 2:05 - WARNINGs! 2:35 - Tools used for this project 3:26 - How was the Overclocking Done? 4:57 - Internal Components 8:10 - Software used for the Overclocking project 10:28 - Crystal Disk Mark - Sequential 10:51 - Crystal Disk Mark - Latency 11:04 - Crystal Disk Mark - QD4 11:23 - Crystal Disk Mark - QD1 11:40 - 3D Mark Storage Benchmark 12:22 - PCMark 10 - Full System Drive Benchmark 12:58 - Adobe Premiere 13:28 - Final Fantasy XIV 13:41 - Diskbench - File Transfer 14:36 - Temperature 15:37 - Power Consumption and Efficiency 17:08 - Conclusion
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