WWE 2K23 Universe Mode: New Features Revealed, Rivalry Actions, Cutscenes & More!

Join us as we take a deep dive in to WWE 2K23 Universe Mode and take a look at the new Rivalry Actions feature which allows players to customise rivalry options and which cutscenes appear during matches! The new rivalry actions can be selected when setting up single and tag team matches, with players able to select specific cutscenes to trigger from one of the following 5 categories: - Attack - Cheap Shot - Disrespect - Showdown - Sportsmanship Upon selecting one of these categories players will be taken to a list of available cutscenes to select, with each option including a detailed description of the cutscene and any status effects it can trigger, such as changing a Superstars attributes or causing them to start the match with low health. Aside from the addition of Rivalry Actions, there’s not a lot of difference in WWE 2K23’s Universe Mode compared to 2K22, as the rest of the mode remains largely the same as it did last year, minus the Undertaker’s W
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