The Americans Who Support Israel & U.S. Weapons Industry

These are representative samples of the Americans who support the aparthied Zionist regime of ethnic cleansing & its genocide of the native Palestinian people. These folks usually watch FOX TV & vote for politicians who are in fact pre-approved and paid for by AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committee) & US Arms Industry. AIPAC is an Israeli lobbying organization in Washington, D.C. Even though AIPAC is acting on behalf of a foreign government (apartheid regime), it does not have to register as a foreign lobbying group as other foreign lobbying groups have to do. The structural strength of AIPAC comes from the fact that it is inherently in a $3,000,000, (3 billion US dollars) symbiotic relationship with the weapons (arms) manufacturers of America. AIPAC & the Association of Weapons Manufaturers of America work hand in hand in pre-approving & financing election campaign of politicians they want to get elected. It’s extremely rare that AIPAC & US Arms Industry would not support the same candidates for political office. Israel is one of the last remaining colonies of the US Imperialism left on this planet at the beginning of the 21st Century. Israel constitutes a Middle Eastern branch of the U.S. Arms Industry. It’s really not a state but a military garrison and an armed outpost in the Middle East frontier, around which civilian support economic units have been built to provide logistical support, food, transportation, housing, consumer goods, and other services to the garrison. Israel has no viable industry but weapons & instrumentalities for killing and murdering human beings. Through it AIPAC fraud, Israel receives (steals)$3 billion from US taxpayer to keep its apartheid regime propped up. The above “theft“ from US taxpayers amounts to $11,000 per year for each citizen of Israel. Without the above “theft,“ the apartheid regime will go bankrupt in less than a year.
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