Top 13 Most Inaccurate Fossil Reconstructions

All copyrighted images belong to their respected owners -Fluffy Rex by arvalis () -Therizinosaurus - The Turtle Beast by nemo-ramjet () -Therizinosaurus by novablue () -Nudist Velociraptor lineart by Tomozaurus () -Deinocheirus mirificus over the years by ZeWqt () -The Deinocheirus Saga continues… by luisvrey () -David Peters’ Pteranodon by nemo-ramjet () -David Peters’ 2013 Vision by nemo-ramjet () -Various by David Peters () -How not to draw pterosaurs by Eurwentala () -Jeholopterus by apostlebird () -New Logo by Nemo Ramjet, re-colored by me () Today we examine the top 13 an
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