Watch this video where Sri M narrates briefly, his spiritual journey from when he first met Maheshwarnath Babaji at the age of nine, till when he meets him again almost ten years later in the Himalayas. Following this he speaks about the essence of his learnings during the three and a half years he spent under the tutelage of Maheshwarnath Babaji. The satsang ends with a Q&A session This satsang took place in Victory Theatre, Burbank USA on 29th April 2022. 00:00 – Introduction 00:32 – Sri M narrates his life story until he meets Maheshwarnath Babaji in Badrinath 14:45 – Learnings from Babaji – opening the mind beyond barriers 16:32 – Nature of the mind 19:34 – What happens when one touches the spiritual core 21:12 – The divine spark 22:33 – The brain and Exploring consciousness 24:18 – Solitude 27:37 – Importance of Sanskrit 29:01 – Poornamada Poornamidam – Mantra explanation – Concept of completeness 32:57 – Aim of life – the search for happiness 34:08 – Kabir Das 36:00 – Patanjali’s Yoga Sut
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