«Sleepy» | The short animated film directed by Igor Voloshin | 18+

New trailer for the cartoon «Sleepy» Varka is 13, she lives in a shoemaker’s home where she performs the duties of nanny and housemaid. She’s exhausted by a lack of sleep and what amounts to slave labor. Getting some sleep becomes Varka’s only wish. But they never let her. The baby’s crying becomes the girl’s worst nightmare. One day, Varka finds a solution to her problem. CREATIVE TEAM Director, screenwriter: Igor Voloshin Directo of animatic: Andrey Ushakov Producers: Anton Smetankin, Evgeny Golovin, Marianna Galstukhova-Smetankina Production Designer: Ivan Niken Costume designer: Uliana ...Polyanskaya Music by Vladimir Volkov CAST Olga Simonova - Varka Anna Mikhalkova - Mother Pelageya Olga Lapshina - Mistress Fedor Bondarchuk - Doctor Maxim Sukhanov - Master Mikhail Evlanov - Father Yefim Igor Voloshin - Investigator Film web page: Duration: 13 min. 40 sec. Age: 18 Produced by the Parovoz Animation Studio
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