Rans S-10 Pilot loses prop makes a dead stick landing

This video is about Rans S-10 To use this video in a commercial player or in a broadcast, please contact licensing@’ I want to thank all of you who have made comments and I want to apologize ahead of time for not answering them. I hope that posting this in the public section everyone will be able to view it and answer most of the common questions that I receive. This is a Rans S-10 LSA airplane that I built about 5 years ago. It took 650 hours to build and it has a Rotax 582. It was the first time I built an airplane and hopefully the last. The most common questions that I get is what the noise or vibration is in the video, why do I keep advancing the throttle, why didn’t I remove the airplane form the runaway and lastly why did the propellar come off. The vibration is simply the GoPro vibration against the canopy which has a round shape and I couldn
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