Дорога в Ад Абдулова | Abdulov reads Biboran, but he cannot read this book
And was the god, and was the satan, and were a humans, and were a nonhumans, and was Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov
And Abdulov said:
“I FUCK THE LAW! This is my town, this is my country, I’ll kill the childrens, I’ll steal, I’ll be raking in, I’ll throw a drunken fights in police! I’ll be brutally kill cats and throwing to the neighbor, and then burn her house to steal the land, and I will kill poachers and sturgeons and carry contraband, and I will collect the money from pathetic goof on church construction and squander them in casino and whores, because I’m ugly that pathetic little people to be friends with me just for the money they can! For this, I bled them all vodka and tobacco, and I will give them recipes that vodka and tobacco - One Health! That all children drank and smoked from three years, as I, the great actor-director, and I will live forever, because vodka - one health! There is nothing for me it will not, because I - Abdulov, and I FU
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