Praises Of Israel - Hu Asher(He Who Did Not Spare)[Live]

Blessed by the MJAI ministry? Consider supporting our operations, *DONATE* here: Hu Asher(He Who Did Not Spare) Lyrics: Romans 8:31-32,35,38-39 Music: Hanna Spaander Video: Leave your MARK “Praises Of Israel“ - Live worship concert from Jerusalem, 2019. Order the CD now at: Available also on Spotify/Apple Music/Amazon and more... Verse: He who did not spare His own Son But delivered Him over for us all How will He not also with Him freely give us all things If God is for us, who can be against us Who will seperate us from the love of Christ Chorus: Neither death, not life, Nor angles, nor principalities Nor things present, nor things to come Will be able to seperate us from the love of God בית: הוא אשר לא חשך את בנו ש&#
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