The First World War: The War to End War | WW1 Documentary

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch Kokoda, a documentary about an important part of the Pacific War of WWII, and all of MagellanTV’s other exclusive historical content: “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time“ So remarked the British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey, as the European continent geared up for war in the summer of 1914. Although at first glance his words appear somewhat fatalistic the fact is that what would transpire over the following four years would so dramatically change the world that the consequences of which would not be fully resolved until the end of the century when all the key figures involved had long died including Grey. Even today the consequences of that summer are still being felt in some way and we all live in the shadow of the aptly named Great War. The First
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