Charles Robinson WWE Referee | Full Body Workout

WWE Superstar Sheamus aka The Celtic Warrior here... There’s no doubt that referees are the hardest working and least appreciated people by the fans in ANY sport. And the WWE is no different. Our refs have to keep some of the biggest & most aggressive athletes on the planet apart while taking serious abuse from the fans. You would want to be a madman to be a WWE referee! And that’s where Charles Robinson comes in... That’s right, Charles Robinson aka Little Naitch, is just as fit as the WWE superstars he counts-out on a nightly basis. Me included. And at 54, this mini-me Ric Flair isn’t slowing down any time soon as he competes in endurance runs like The Spartan Race & Tough Mudder several times a year, as well as keeping a full-time WWE schedule. I’ve always wondered how refs, of all sports, keep fit. So I hit the gym with wee Charlie and found out it takes a lot of... Brave Change.
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