Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe: Story Mode (MK’s Perspective)
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Two seemingly divergent worlds collide in Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe and how it came to pass is explained in Story Mode. This is Story Mode from the Mortal Kombat perspective in its entirety. No Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 34. It runs just under an hour long and the fight sequences have been edited to save time yet maintain the flow of Story Mode.
One of the best scenes is 22:40. Look VERY closely at Raiden’s reaction. The very subtle facial expression is a ver
6 days ago 00:34:12 1
Шапка завоевала популярность. Подробный МК. В моём магазине - это ХИТ! продаж.
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Вязание спицами. Вяжем ажурную кофточку для девочки 8 лет, регланом сверху, с карманами.МК (часть 1)