10 Stealthy Self Defense Gadgets You Can Take Everywhere

Most self-defense gadgets are far too large and easy to notice to really be practical in your day-to-day life. The ideal self-defense gadget is small, stealthy, and quick to deploy. Thankfully, there are all kinds of stealthy self-defense tools you can buy right now to get yourself out of a sticky situation, or potentially even save your life. The best part is that your attacker won’t even know what hit them. From a cap that can break actual bones to the Buddhist prayer beads of doom, here are 10 Stealthy Self Defense Gadgets. You don’t want to miss a second of this! ► Subscribe For More! 10. Silver Leaf Knife Pendant - 9. Yoogo Self Defense Keychain- 8. Go Guarded Ring- 7. StrikePen- 6. Sap Cap- 5. The Self Defense Siren- 4. Zahal Hybrid Expandable Baton - 3. BUDDHIST MALA SELF-DEFEN
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