3 NEW Movement Games You Never Knew You Needed

So you’ve finished ULTRAKILL for the 15th time, played every game in Funkes’ movement shooter series, yet you still feel empty inside. Well that’s probably a larger issue BUT to help with the lack of games thing; I’ve spent the last MONTH sifting through steams extensive library to find 3 movement games, 3 GOOD movement games that you can confidently get excited for. I’ll be covering my favourite features, where they’re at in development, the release dates, as well as things I’d like to see added. Follow me! ➤ Twitter: Join the Community! ➤ Discord: Games: Shady Knight: Coastline: Invert...igo: Glass Wings: Sparkour: Valley Peaks: Coastline Dev: @funkyarmor9135 You can find their respective discord servers in the menus! [Note some do not have servers D:] Video Music (in order): Neon Lobby (Menu) - Omega Strikers Round One (Map Theme) - Omega Strikers Kick It Fresh - Knockout City Purple Shift - Knockout City Start a Fire - Knockout City BFG Division - Mick Gordon (Doom) Training - Smash Ultimate Lofi you too - Coastline [@cleromuse] Halloween Theme - Animal Crossing New Horizons Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party Training - Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Get Outta Dodge (Bonus) - Knockout City Piranha Lullaby - Super Mario 64 Coconut Mall [Remix] - Mario Kart Wii [@qumumusic] - Portal 2 Choose Your Striker (Character Select) - Omega Strikers Upgrade Station - Team Fortress 2 Attributions: Sport icons used for card segment: [Freepik – Flaticon] [iconixar – Flaticon] [Leremy – Flaticon] [Freepik - Flaticon] DIVERSITY 2 BUILD TEAM (short minecraft clip [i am required by law to post this here]): abrightmoore | ColdFusionGaming | goldenturkey97 | Jesper the End | qmagnet | qwertyuiopthepie |
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