Flat Earth Animation - Seasons, Sun and Moon circling AROUND THE WORLD - Daft Punk
Original Vídeo from Rob Skiba ( YouTube ) without music
Music: Daft Punk - Around the world
Rob Skiba description : ( NOT MINE )
I’ve read quite a bit about how the sun and moon allegedly moved in the Flat Earth model, but I really needed to visualize how the 4 seasons worked. So, I got creative with the free software, Stellarium. Now, it should be noted that the programming for Stellarium is based on the heliocentric globe model, however I figured out how to essentially manipulate it in order to show the rotations of the sun and moon over a Flat Earth. What REALLY intrigued me was how the sun literally speeds up and slows down depending on what path it is on during a particular point in the year. I sped the whole animation up (more than 500x) for the sake of time (otherwise, the video would be over an hour long), but other than that, I did not manually adjust the speeds for each season nor do any other (motion) manipulation at all. What you see here is exactly what the software rendered, just overlaid on
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